About eLEARNster

Action Math Baseball is a learning simulation engaging students in meaningful math activitie

Mission Statement

eLEARNster is an educational software company located in Seaside, California that designs web technology to support teachers in their effort to create and foster a positive learning environment allowing all students to achieve success.

Learning Simulations Play a Useful Role

Action Math Baseball is a learning simulation engaging students in meaningful math activitie

Substantial body of research indicates that learning simulations are useful learning tools in the classroom, but unfortunately not too many software simulations exist for the middle school grades. Research supports that expanding the use of learning simulations will bring relevance to what students are learning and offers a positive effect on academic achievement.

Action Math Baseball History

Action Math Baseball is a learning simulation engaging students in meaningful math activitie

Simulation-based educational programs provide a real-world environment for students to experience relevance and appreciation for learning.

One such program was created by a middle-school teacher, Tim Scheidt, who observed the ambivalence of mathematics in many of his eighth-grade students. Drawing from his love of baseball, he created an engaging, comprehensive, and mathematically rich learning experience for his students. Tim received a middle school mathematics teacher of the year award for his efforts.

eLEARNster, an educational software company, recognized the value of the program and implemented an online version. Using the power of the Internet, Action Math Baseball leverages many sound learning methods that creates a positive learning environment and promotes student growth and participation.

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